Monday, November 5, 2012

Princess tutu #2


What you'll need:
4 different rolls of tulle
Hot glue gun
Ribbon 5/8in
Ribbon 1/4in
elastic band
scissors/some kind of tulle cutter

For this tutu i wanted to make it longer so i cut 30 inch strips of tulle. I only used one piece of tulle this time, instead of two and i think i like this way better! Also instead of doing the two simple knots i decided to try this loop knot and then after that was pulled through  i just made a regular know so it wouldn't come undone. At each end of tulle i tied a knot at the bottom.

Its kind of hard to tell but i used the 5/8 inch ribbon sporadically throughout. i made it the same length or the tulle pieces and also tied a knot at the bottom. & then i glued the flower onto the bow!

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing! So cute!
    Lovely blog dear!
    Check out mine sometime if you like :)
